The average house price on LON ILLTYD is £324,311
The most expensive house in the street is 3 LON ILLTYD with an estimated value of £388,233
The cheapest house in the street is 9 LON ILLTYD with an estimated value of £281,268
The house which was most recently sold was 3 LON ILLTYD, this sold on 5 Jul 2013 for £232,000
The postcode for LON ILLTYD is SA2 0TP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 LON ILLTYD Semi-Detached £319,865 £138,000 8 Aug 2003
3 LON ILLTYD Semi-Detached £388,233 £232,000 5 Jul 2013
5 LON ILLTYD Semi-Detached £342,070 £64,500 7 Feb 1997
6 LON ILLTYD Semi-Detached £319,718 £200,000 25 Apr 2008
6 LON ILLTYD Semi-Detached £319,718 £200,000 25 Apr 2008
9 LON ILLTYD Semi-Detached £281,268 £71,163 9 Feb 2000
10 LON ILLTYD Semi-Detached £299,310 £59,500 18 Sep 1997